Contributing to bplate#

bplate is currently in its early stage and we are constanly working on improving this tool. Any kind of contribution to the tool will be greatly appreciated.

The following guidelines are for contributors. Note that these are guidelines and not fixed set of rules.

Reporting Bugs#

If you have found a bug in the tool, you can let us know by opening an issue on our issues tracker.

When creating an issue, make sure to include every single detail about the bug. The things that you should add are:

  • The description of bug

  • Steps to reproduce (What steps lead to the bug?)

  • Bplate Information (Include the content returned by bplate version –all command)

Contributing to Codebase#

You can contribute directly by opening a pull request on the GitHub repository

The following guidelines should be followed when opening pull requests:

  • Use descriptive commit messages

  • Keep the scope of your pull request small. This means one pull request should focus on one issue such as feature or a bug and not address multiple issues.

  • Keep the code style consistent, the project follows the PEP-8 conventions.

If your contribution does not meet any of the above guidelines, don’t worry. We will guide you through the process of improving your contribution. Just open the pull request. 🙌